Tuesday, May 29, 2012

so far.. its boring..~

Greetings ladies and gentlemen ~
heheh.. intro ta bule blahh.. whatever..
okay.. humm.. post arey ni pasal ape ek? ape yang boring? nak tahu..?
its about my boring holiday. seriously.. so far... i'm just stuck at home.. doing this and that.. which is not amusing.. *major sigh* tapi ade la jugak klua makan² dengan family.... cuti² ney engat na keluar dengan frenss, catch sum movie ke... ala, sebenanye, da memang plan pown sbelom cuti dengan my besties, but then one of us kena balek kampong cuz ada kenduri.. teros ta jadi.. baru engat na tengok Men In Black 3 ㅠㅠ
so cuti neyh kejenya tengok tv, online, tolong chores ape yang patot (LoL).. na baca buku... buku skolah memang kirim salam teros lahh.. hehe.. Eragon tuh ade la tapi agak kemalasan sebab buku dy tebal GILA! buku Wicked Lovely tuhh ta beli lagi yang baru.. al-maklomlahh, na save duet for Super Junior's sixth album ~~~ hehe.. dengar cite kluar bulan 7 or 8 mcam tuhh.. wheeee ~

hah! tetiba tringat..~ hehe.. engat lagi Mr. D ?
haaaaa ~ hari tuhhh dia ad cakap + buat something (chat je sebenanye) yang membuatkan saya jadi happyyyy GILA!!!! serious happy! macam dunia ney ana yang punya ~ haha ! na tau ke? haha mana bulehhh.. bocor teros rasia nanti.. yela, mana la tau, dia blogwalking kaaa... mampos cheq ~ hehehe ~ kesian kan korang, mesti curious gila.. keke ~ cheq memang suka buad lagu nie~~~ jahat kan cheqqq ~

blue kisses

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Freeedommm..~ nah, only for a while

Greetings lovelies ~

wheeee..~ Mid Year Exam da abessss ~~ *throws confetti*
exam yg abes ari ney diakhiri dgn Physics Paper 3.. haha i knowww.. naseb Paper 3 je so ta la susah sgt ;))

TAPI ... !

freedom ney kejap je.. SPM is around the corner.. so ta bule la enjoy sgt.. lepas SPM na enjoy baru besttt..!
actually da byak kali tepikir..
"lepas SPM nanti na buad ape ek..? kawen tros?! OH NO..."

haha! yea, saya mmg suka pikir masa depan : 3 bukan la.. kdg² kta kna pikir masa depn jgk.. barula tau mana hala tuju kita.. target lepas SPM egt na keje sambilan dulu.. ala, smentara tggu result.. na keje kat mne? haha tgok lh sesapa yg na amek saya bkerja.. Giant ke, Tesco ke.. keke~ na buad ap korang tye..? nmpk wishlist tepi tuhh.. haaaaaaa... tuh la sebab dye.. hehe.. tade lahh.. tuh sampingan jee.. sbenanye na jgk merase pkai duet hasil titik peluh sniri ~ almaklomlahh,, jadi student kejenye blaaaajaaaa je.. duet pown parents bagi.. mane reti mrase susah.. cehh ayat = , =
oke smpai sini je saya na merapu. kita smbung merapu laen kali..


blue kisses

Thursday, May 17, 2012

OH! PHYSICS + sape Mr.D ?


heee ~ tetibe gatal tgan na update
Hari neyh exam Biology + Physics.. yeah i know.. memang da sewel otak neyh...
Seriously! Bio bule than lgi.. Physics punye paper... FUHHH!
memang konfem lingkup..
tah la .. kadg2 tetanye2 jgk.. knape dgn Physics memang tade chemistry gitu..
ala, ta kamceng la..~
dri Form 4 lgi, mmg ta paham satu bende pown Physics neyh...
so bule kate Physics ney musuh ketat la...
kenape la ta bule drop je Physics neyh... major sigh

anywayy.. haaa.. msok pulak cite kedua.. sape Mr.D ..? haha mesti korg tetanye2 kann.. and msti da penoh tnda soal ky ats kpale korg.. who the hell la Mr.D neyh.. haaa.. meh sini na bgtau.. Mr.D neyh sorg manusia.. haha! mestila sorg mnusia.. dh nmanya Mr... oke2 aloh,, na gurau2 pown ta buleh ㅠㅠ okela.. aku bgtau.. Mr.D neyh.. umm... cm neyh la.. haha.. lets just say Mr.D neyh.. is that special someone that I've been watching from afar... cehh ta la jauh sgt.. haaaa.. klu dah tuhh.. ta jauh.. bule jdi jiran, bule jdi classmate dan bule jdi ap2 je yg korg pikir..~ haha teka lh..~ ce teke.. ce teke..


blue kisses

Monday, May 7, 2012

updating.. updating...

*blowing some dust*

WHOOAAHH..~ how long have i been neglecting this blog 

well heyyy peepss..

yeah.. just a short update to tell you guys I'm still ALIVE..

keke just kidding..~

so yeah.. i know i've been NOT UPDATING this blog for months..

well blame my tight schedule ~!

i've been EXTREMELY busy with school, band and stuffs..

but don't you worry..

despite me being freakingly busy, my love to Super Junior remains the same 

and will grow stronger each and every day.. ~



well.. gotta go now..


toodles ~

blue kisses