another two teasers have been revealed ~
this time featuring...
our pinky bunny ..
me jelly..~ WHY SO BEAUTIFULLL ~ ;;A;; |
and our strong raccoon appa .. !
my prince raccoon i miss you ~ |
ahh, you look sooo handsome ~ can't wait for your comeback with the other boys ♥
oh and SUNGMIN OPPA ! why are you prettier than me?! sobs
you looked like a lost princess trying to find her prince.. ~ aaannnddd I'm sure the prince is Kyuuuu ~ ♥
oh, and it was revealed that Super Junior members are following the theme of “Beautiful Males” in the teaser photos, as they make their drastic image transformation.
can't wait for Kyu's and Won's teasers ~~
Leeteuk finally revealed the unreleased image teaser just as he promised ! well actually after 2 days haha! eventho he knows he might get scolded for that, he still revealed it. ah , angel leader ~ ♥
his first tweet :: 22 June
@ special1004 많은 관심 보내주셔서 제 핸폰에 있는 비공개 사진 잠시후 공개해드립니다..^^나 혼나겠지?ㅋㅋㅋ 하지만 어쩔수없어여 ㅋㅋ소문 많이내쥬세욤^^
I shall reveal an unreleased photo inside my handphone in a while in return for showing me lots of interest..^^ I'll probably get scolded for this right?ᄏᄏᄏ But it can't be helpedᄏᄏ Please create lots of rumours^^
revealing the unreleased teaser :: 25 June
@special1004 뜨거운 관심과 성원속에 무보정 비공개사진 공개합니다!!!생각하는 이특..!!ㅋㅋ에라 모르겠다!!!^^ㅋㅋ 내 핸드폰에만 유일하게 있는..나도 예능안하고 말안하고 신비주의로 갔다면..멋있었을까??^^ㅋ
Revealing the unrevealed picture because of everyone's hot interest and support!!!the thinking leeteuk..!!ㅋㅋoh well i don't know!!!^^ㅋㅋ the only(picture that is) solely in my phone..(if i) don't entertain(,) don't talk and look i(still) handsome??^^ㅋ
handsome angel ♥ |
blue kisses ♥