as you can see from the title..~
uri Ryeowookie and Siwonie have finally graduated ^ 0 ^
congrats @ryeong9 and @siwon407
they both graduated from Inha University with Theater and Cinema majors ~ ^___^
congrats again ~ :D
so proud of them, even with tight schedule, they still managed to study ~
compared to me ............. oke tuka topik
here's a few tweets by our graduated oppadeul ^__^
@ryeong9 졸업했어요~~><교수님들, 조교누나, 선후배 동기들 고마웠어요~~남들처럼 떳떳하게 졸업할 자격은 없지만 교내에서 활동하지 못한 것 뿐 마음만은 인하인이었습니다. 마지막 교수님 말씀 정말 감사했어요 잊지 않을게요^^
@siwon407 :)
@siwon407 더 큰 꿈을 품으며.. 더 넓은 세상을 향해 나아가겠습니다.. 인하인이여서 자랑스럽습니다 ^^
[TRANS] @siwon 407 embracing the greater dream.. i will fly towards the wider world.. i am proud as Inha's student^^
blue kisses ~ ♥